The Importance of Mental Health Education

Although great strides have been made, awareness of mental health issues still needs work in many places in the world, and even developed nations need to make education more of a priority. There are several incentives in doing so, and investing resources into mental health education can be extremely impactful. In this article, you will learn why this is crucial and should be focused on everywhere.

Treatment Rates

One of the most apparent reasons why mental health education is so important is that it can significantly improve diagnoses, and therefore, treatment rates, especially in underdeveloped countries that don’t have access to reliable educational resources.

Mental health education should begin in grade school because this is when the youth start undergoing the most significant changes in their lives. Hormonal changes and social issues, such as forming relationships and trying to fit into groups, are just a couple of examples of these types of events that can have an impact on an individual’s mental wellbeing at this age and cause problems like aggression, depression, anxiety, and many other common disorders.

In fact, teens and young adults are more likely to struggle with depression and anxiety more than any other age group, and unfortunately, all too often, they go untreated. By having access to resources that they need, such as being able to talk about their feelings with a professional, they can sort them out and start getting better. Medication must also be made widely available to those who need it as well.

Intervention & Preventative Measures

Although mental health education is necessary in order to treat people who may be currently struggling with an issue, it’s also equally as important for it to be used as a way to prevent problems from getting worse or being able to identify the signs of disorders early on.

These strategies can be applied to oneself, but education is important if intervention rates are to rise up from teachers, peers, friends, and family. For example, if one student sees another one exhibiting signs of depression, they might be able to let an authority figure know, and they can learn how to communicate with them and lead them in the right direction.

From here, it’s important that a professional will handle the rest, but nonetheless, everyone’s involvement in directing people who are in need is essential.

Breaking Down Stigmatization

In many areas of the world, there is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health issues, and this leads to a lot of misinformation that could be resolved through education.

Stigmatization is one of the main reasons why people don’t get the help that they need, and it often stems from cultural beliefs surrounding mental health issues, such as it being a sign of weakness or that someone should be feared. Because of this, it can lead to other issues such as bullying and discrimination.

These stigmas prevent people from talking about mental health issues and getting help, and the only way to stop them is to encourage people to learn accurate information about the subject and spread the word.

What Is Being Done?

As mentioned before, many places in the world don’t have access to sufficient educational resources regarding mental health, but it is gradually improving over time, especially through the internet.

The internet contains many reputable websites that aim to address a lot of the issues that can come from a lack of mental health education. One of these websites is MyTherapist.

MyTherapist provides free advice and also allows you to connect to licensed professionals online to start getting help. Online therapy services are making treatment more accessible to all and this will be important in making mental health education as mainstream as its counterpart – physical health.


Mental health is something that should never be neglected, and hopefully, with more progress, the statistics will continue to improve. Nonetheless, there are still currently plenty of great resources for people to start learning more and getting help, and over time, mental health education will be something everyone will be familiar with.

Marie Miguel Biography

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.