Do You Have Aggression? Here’s How You Know

Everyone seems so angry these days, don’t they? This can include you as well. Aggression can happen to anyone. You may wake up on the wrong side of the bed or just feel moody. However, if you always feel aggressive, then you need to handle this.

Let’s look at what aggression is, the signs of it, and what you can do about it.

First, What is Aggression?

Aggression describes the intent to hurt someone physically or emotionally. For some people, this intent happens on a whim. For others, it’s a little more planned.

There are two types of aggression.

Hostile Aggression

Also known as physical, this describes you attacking someone physically. For example, hitting another person. You may also destroy someone’s property.

Hostile aggression can happen as a knee jerk reaction, and it may lead to serious legal trouble. If you destroy a person’s property or hurt them physically, you may wind up in prison.

Emotional Aggression

This form of aggression is subtler. It describes people who knowingly try to affect others emotionally.

Bullying someone by teasing them is one form. However, it can involve gossiping, leaving someone out of your group, or doing other behaviors that can affect a person.

What form of aggression your display may be determined by your sex. Men are more physically aggressive, and women are more emotionally. However, the opposite can happen as well.

Why Are We Aggressive?

Humans seem so aggressive at times. Why is that?

The answer can differ for each person. However, there are several factors that most people share. These include:


If you live in an area where there’s a lot of crime, aggression, or you’ve lived in an abusive household, you may be more prone to aggression.

Quite often, aggression can be a cycle. For example, if your parents hit you, you may be more likely to do the same thing to your kids. It’s important for you to learn how to break the cycle if possible.

Low Self-Esteem

Some people are aggressive because they have issues of their own. They may project themselves onto other people, especially if they have poor coping skills.


Some people are genetically prone to aggression if they have mental health disorders that tend to be associated with aggression.

What Are Those Mental Health Disorders?

Now, let’s look at the mental health disorders that can make you more likely to be aggressive.


Someone with dementia, including Alzheimer’s, may display aggression and not even realize they are doing it. This can be due to the fear and confusion someone with dementia may have.


Someone with autism may have meltdowns when they are overstimulated, which can lead to aggression. When one has a meltdown, they cannot control it, but it can still lead to repercussions.


The intermittent explosive disorder can describe people with sudden bursts of anger.

Substance Abuse

Someone who is addicted to alcohol is more likely to be aggressive, and this includes other drugs as well.

Bipolar Disorder

The manic phase of bipolar disorder may cause a person to become a little more aggressive.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Someone with ODD may defy people, and do so aggressively.

Other Disorders

There are many other disorders that can lead to aggression. If you have a mental health disorder, it’s essential for you to be mindful of your behavior.

Why Aggression Needs to Stop

While we all get angry, too much aggression can cause dire consequences, including the following:

Legal Action

If you end up hurting someone, they have every right to take you to court.

Meanwhile, if you break property, you may have to pay it back.

Losing Friends

Aggression can cause you to lose friends. For example, if you are gossiping about your friend and they find out, they may drop you like it’s hot.

Losing Relationships

One of the biggest relationship troubles is constant aggression. When you are aggressive to someone, they may no longer want to be with you.

Being a Poor Role Model

Besides the above, you may end up being a poor role model on your kids or other young people. You can end up continuing the cycle of aggression, which is tough to break.

What You Can Do

Acknowledging you are aggressive is a good first step, but it’s one out of many. Here are some other things you can do.


When you are feeling angry, just stop and breathe.

Let the intrusive thoughts leave your body and replace them with thoughts that are less troublesome.

Be Mindful of Your Words

Sometimes, you can come across as aggressive even if you don’t realize it.

For example, you may be in an area where gossip is normal. You may not realize you’re hurting others.

Also, beware of passive aggressive or backhanded remarks.

Sometimes, you may be aggressive without even realizing it.

Avoid Substances

If you are an angry drunk, don’t drink. It’s as simple as that. The same applies to any substances. Of course, if you’re an addict, this can be easier said than done.

Some Anger is Okay

Anger is a part of being human. There are times when your anger may feel justified, and it may be. However, you need to show your anger in healthy ways.

Exercising, doing art, and being productive are some great ways for you to release anger without harming anyone.

Talking to A Therapist

If you have an aggression problem, there’s no shame in talking to a therapist about it.

A therapist can teach you anger management techniques and help you to find the root cause of your anger and aggression.

For more information on how you can get help online, visit Mind Diagnostics.

There, you can get a diagnosis and speak to a therapist online.

By admitting you have an aggression problem, you are on your way to treatment. There’s a lot of anger in this world, and you should not contribute to it if you can help yourself. Good luck.