How difficult is CISSP?

CISSP: Nothing is easy, nor does Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), the globally recognized information security expert-level credential. CISSP is the gold standard for information security professionals. It requires significant technical expertise and years of paid work experience to break the CISSP exam. What makes CISSP challenging to achieve is the high level of knowledge of the (ISC)2 CISSP CBK domains needed for clearing the CISSP examination.

What reasons make studying CISSP so tricky?

First of all, because the examination is difficult and complicated, not many CISSPs are available. There are also other reasons, however. While many people begin to prepare for the CISSP, juggling their time to study, work, family, and personal commitments can often be difficult, especially when prioritizing.

Another good reason is that, while people are preparing CISSP again, there can be some confusion if they move jobs that could lead to a loss of focus on the CISSP. The problem is that the time required to study must be consistent when looking for CISSP certification. You may need to start preparing, repeatedly reading after missing a couple of weeks of study time. Due to this, the nature of a CISSP examination becomes complicated and challenging to follow and relatively easy to get disconnected from a CISSP training course.

Just as with many cybersecurity courses, it is essential to understand how much time and commitment you can take to the course. A CISSP is no exception. You may lose interest in and get bored by the course if you don’t take up the course with a clear idea. You need to understand how much time you have to spend on your training or the extent of the study required. And a CISSP is much more than reading the slide presentation of a training institute. Studying for a CISSP is a tough job.

Any qualification study is difficult, but it will be much harder to achieve a CISSP qualification when you have no mentor working with you. A mentor will guide you through the course, motivate you to synchronize with yourself and reward you with your study’s wins and achievements. We are all aware that a lack of enthusiasm, encouragement, and reward often leads to the study’s loss of interest.

CISSP exam pattern

Let us look at the details of the CISSP certification test: ​

The pass rate for CISSP is around 20%. The exam is for 6 hours, comprising 250 questions from 8 domains, a minimum of 70 percent pass requirement is a must with a score of 700 out of 1000 for the CISSP. The exam contains both multiple-choice questions, and advanced innovative questions are included in the CISSP exam.

Who can gain this level of recognition?

  • The gold standard for Information Security: CISSP is the gold standard for information security (IS). It offers a significant boost in career and global awareness to the professionals who pass the CISSP examination. Only professionals, who are well-informed about safety aspects and have learned and implemented safety concepts within their respective fields can gain this level of recognition and progress in career.
  • Technical knowledge in IS: The applicants for CISSP must display extensive knowledge and technical expertise in information security. You cannot achieve the five years of (ISC)2 experience overnight. Experienced professionals can only fulfill these requirements.
  • Knowledge of domains of the (ISC)² CISSP CBK: The eight (ISC)2 CISSP CBK domains comprise security and risk management, asset security, security architecture, engineering, communication and network security, identity and access management (IAM), security assessment and testing, security operations, and software development security. Candidates should have profound knowledge of two of these domains and five years of paid experience for the CISSP examination. Only interactive sessions and preparatory exam training from a renowned training provider could help achieve this.
  • Cumulative paid work experience: The (ISC)2 requirements include professional experience in two or more CISSP CBC’s eight domains with cumulative paid work experience of at least five years. Professional credentials are subject to the CISSP certifications. The education loan will fulfill only one year of experience.

You must already have realized CISSP’s high standard and the efforts to clear this examination. The CISSP exam preparation training is the best way to acquire the knowledge and skills required to pass the CISSP certification exam and improve it.

With your invaluable experience in this sector, you will all be able to clear the CISSP examination from a thorough knowledge of the security concepts derived from the training.

CISSP certification training – Importance

The CISSP is one of the most critical IT and IT security certifications in the world. Over 25 years of proven track record, the CISSP shows that in terms of knowledge and experience, you are at the very top of your cybersecurity game.

The CISSP certification is a well-respected certification. You can increase your career in IT or IS by receiving a certificate. It is essential to study and prepare for the exam so that the highest score is obtained. Furthermore, CISSP training validates your cybersecurity skills. It proves your expertise in developing, delivering, engineering, safety practices, and knowledge of an information security program.

Final thoughts

As mentioned before, it is a very subjective matter. Still, it is not so difficult for some people to understand specific characteristics of the CISSP curriculum. Some domains need in-depth understanding, but others may be disappointing. So the way you prepare is right; you can pass the exam on the first attempt itself. However, if there is a gap in understanding, candidates cannot perform well.

You can do your work by examining each topic, the main domains, in each field. It helps you with an idea of what your key strengths and weaknesses may be. This analysis will take a look and study all-in-one books and materials and read the chapters.

You can also take a practical examination and book mock tests online. Industry experts recommend that to take a minimum of two exams.

One of the best methods is enrolling in a recognized training program to interact with professionals and certified instructors, clarify your doubt, and practice mock tests and live simulators. You can also practice the mock questions handy.